About 1 am I got a message back from my friend V. We used to work together back in Copperas Cove before she had to relocate. Her husband is active military stationed overseas. Anyway, after a few messages back in forth she kept asking me how I was doing. For some reason she just wasn't convinced that I was okay. Of course I told her I was fine.
This of course isn't entirely accurate. I'm about as stressed out as I can get. I'm still doing the unemployment thing. Been putting in upwards of 200 applications thus far and have had a handful of interviews. Unfortunately, I keep hearing the same thing - "You're what we're looking for but we aren't gonna bring anyone new on until after the first of the year." Seriously!!! My unemployment was denied because I quit to move. Rent is due and my car payment is past due. I'm slowly getting more and more behind. Of course I'm not gonna tell her that. I didn't send it to her to complain. Just wanted to let her know I was thinking about her.
So after a few more messages back and forth she finally tells me that she had a miscarriage in June and that her husband is having a physical/emotional affair with someone else. My heart just sank for her. How do you respond to something like that? I'm sorry seems so insincere and meaningless. She's young with children and married to someone who obviously is not as vested in their marriage as she is. I didn't know what to say except that I was only a phone call away if she needed a shoulder to cry on.
And it got me thinking. It made me realize just how selfish I am. I sit here day after day and worry about me. Don't get me wrong, I don't think most people would fault me for focusing on getting my shit together so I'm not living in my car. But it's so easy to forget that other people have problems too. It's too easy to get into that mindset that "everything is happening to me and no one else understands what I'm are going through". Every once in a while I think we all need reminding that there are people who are worse off than we are and we just need to be thankful for what we have. We need to take the time to remind each other that someone gives a damn because we never know what the future holds. Sometimes that reminder comes in a little text message with a little marshmallow man.
This is a GREAT post! Some days we all need a reminder. I'm sorry to hear about your friend...and the unemployment sucks on your end too. Keep your chin up darlin. There really IS a reason to most things that come along / happen. Some days we just need to be open to seeing what it is.